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Friday, September 28, 2007
Look for a reflection on 12 months of nursing coming up soon...For now, I want to throw this post up before it hits midnight and I'm too late. :)
Happy Birthday Emmitt!

We didn't have a big party, just my cousin and her boyfriend came over. Greg's parents are coming tomorrow, so I figured I'd do cupcakes. That way, even if we eat some, you can still "see" what the cake looks like. I ended up doing Cookie Monster cupcakes. They came out way better than I thought they might.

They were super easy to make too. :)
Bonus Video: Emmitt playing with a new ball last week.
Finally, a birthday story...
This morning, Nora, Emmitt and I were on the back porch and I was asking Nora if she remembered when Emmitt joined our family. She said she did. I asked her if she remembered where he came from (thinking she'd say the porch, because she was in the living room watching cartoons while he was being born on the porch.)
She looked at me and said "plane" while signing plane.
I laughed and said "Emmitt came on the plane?"
Ok then. Apparently in our technology filled world, the stork has been replaced by the airplane.
...then again, this is the same kid who thinks all school buses are "going for ice cream." Man, is SHE in for a rude awakening...
Labels: All About the Kids, Life as a Mom
Adorable cupcakes (and Emmitt)! Ian turned 1 on September 6th. We had a family party and he ate a big lunch and crashed before his cake. I tried to wake him up and put my husband on speaker phone from Iraq singing into his ear while everyone sand "Happy Birthday" to him, but he slept right through it. I had cupcakes for him at playgroup and lunch for the moms and kids on a separate date and he slept through hos cake again.
Finally, I gave him a cupcake with his dinner. He dipped his pesto green beans in the icing and mashed it around but that was it.
I have been lurking on your site for sometime and so appreciate your commentary. Today though I have to say that as a supermom, of which you are, those birthday cupcakes turned out awesome. How fun and tasty they look and exactly like the cookie monster. Too cool. Maybe you can post your recipe. Keep up all your hardwork. Yours is a very important site and resource.
Awwwwww.... Cute video. Reminds me of my daughter. :)
LOL at Ian.
Yeah, we'll try it again tonight when he's a little more awake, but Elnora wasn't much for cake smashing on her first birthday either.
She loved Emmitt's cupcakes though. The cute part was she didn't want to eat it because she didn't want to mess it up. :) I'll have to give her one to look at and one to eat tonight.
Thanks for the kind words!
The cupcakes were super simple. I use a homemade frosting (I can post the recipe later) but you could do it with any frosting.
It was pretty simple.
Make the cupcake, frost it with blue frosting (I used an icing bag with a star tip to make the frosting "bumpy"), sprinkle with blue sugar sprinkles. Then I took small chocolate chip cookies, cut them in half and wedged them into the frosting.
A couple of dots of white frosting (again, from a bag) and a dash of black icing gel (get it at the store, used for writing on cake) and it was done.
Super simple. :) They just look like a lot of work.
cute!! happy birthday emmitt!
thanks for sharing the instructions for making the cupcakes too. yum!
Happy Birthday, Emmitt! The video was adorable. And what delicious looking cupcakes!
"born on the porch"...ah... a lactivist and a fellow homebirther! Now I know you're definitely a kindred spirit!!
Emmitt has a most excellent Birth-date...he shares with me :)
Those cupcakes are incredible, well done.
I just read your birth story for the first time. I LOVE it!!! Thank you so much for sharing it! I did Hypnobirthing with my son and I can see so many parallels! I will definitely be using it for #3 too!
Those cupcakes look AMAZING! Wow!
I made that cupcake picture my desktop background.
Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday, a day late!
Thanks for the cupcake pics and instructions -- if my kids see those pics, I know I'll be needing the instructions. lol
Also, thanks for linking to Emmitt's birth story -- I've explored some of your archives, but hadn't found that yet. Now I'm even more determined to get Christina's birth story written before the details fade anymore....
I LOVE the cupcakes, it looks like you had a wonderful time, Happy Birthday Emmitt!!!
How cute!!
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